34-512 Witów 149
Informacje i rezerwacje:
Ewa (+48) 604-533-301
34-512 Witów 149
Informations and reservations:
Ewa (+48) 604-533-301

‘…………………..Thanks for a great ” ride” – Even for Norwegian boys this was an experience………………’

………………the clients were very,very happy and satisfied 🙂 …………so from now we’ re looking forward to next cooperation with you 🙂

‘…………………..It can not not be described . Who was to come back………………’

‘……….. professionally expedition quads, new equipment and excellent catering menu ………’

‘………………….organization of the event at the highest level . Competitions quad overlooking the Tatra Mountains – unforgettable…………….’

‘………………….unforgettable impressions. The organization at the highest level. We will definitely return …………….. ‘

Firma jest super przygotowana do organizowania wypraw grupowych. Organizatorzy cały czas czuwają nad bezpieczeństwem grupy i
dostosowują tempo i stopień trudności do uczestników są bardzo elastyczni i stwarzają naprawdę super atmosferę. Quady pierwsza liga, sprzęt nowy i
niewiarygodnie silny, przejazdy w wodzie po pas to jedna z wielu atrakcji reszty nie opisze aby nie popsuć niespodzianki naprawdę warto

‘……………. great event and amazing views……we would definitely return…..’

………. thank you very much for the help and perfect organizing our event …

‘……………..great adventure, new equipment and areas which we have not seen anywhere else during out trip through Europe………..’

‘………………From the arrival we found that we are dealing with a company fully professional: new equipment, nice, helpful people with passion and great area …………………. whole trip leaves an unforgettable impression……….’

‘………………….. extremely professional company, improves driving instructors who fantastic organized the expedition …………….. ‘

‘………………….. equipment really first class, great route …………… regardless of the level of advancement of all perfectly they played ……………….’

‘…………………. Amazing tour 🙂 So many hours and did not see when you tired ………….. … ‘

‘……………… Event organized at the highest level for people with a passion. Great equipment, fantastic views and unforgettable experience. I recommend to all !!!……….’

………………the clients were very,very happy and satisfied 🙂 …………so from now we’ re looking forward to next cooperation with you 🙂

‘………………………….The event was carried out at such a high level that surpassed our expectations ……… recommend ………………. ‘

” ………………….. Thanks for the great expedition ……………… “

‘…………………. Expedition our expectations :)The new area, super ATVs and people full of passion and skills …… recommend 100% !!! …………………….. . ‘

‘………………… Full professed. Banana from ear to ear the next time:) ……………… ‘

‘……………..najlepsza quadowa firma w kraju z jaką mieliśmy do czynienia……………………… nasza czwarta już 🙂 , tym razem nocna wyprawa zrobiła na wszystkich niesamowite wrażenie………..’

‘…………….Sensational fun, a great experience, professional organization, worth every cent ………’

As a portal, supplying customers in the gift vouchers we need to watch high-quality services offered by the organizers. Looking for a company that will organize an expedition to the quad or snowmobile, we came across a quote, which has proved to be a hit. In addition to the incredible experience for our clients while riding a snowmobile, also organized accommodation with meals to a high standard. Such companies can recommend with a clear conscience, and testimonials of the satisfied clients attest to the high quality of the services they offer.